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Hino the 5th CS Contest

The Hino CS Contest was hold at Hino Motors Viet Nam Head Office in 2 days: 5th & 6th, December 2014. This is a yearly activity of Hino, a playground for Hino authorized Dealer technicians and staffs who contact, serve customer directly. This is also a chance for them to try to improve by learn from others and expand their field of vision.

Hino Motors Viet Nam authorized dealers’ contestants & guesses

“Total Support” is the general concept, and it is also the policy that Global Hino Motors and Hino Motors Vietnam as well did and has been following up. This is the three consecutive years this concept being used for Hino CS Contest. This thing show that it is really necessary for total support in customer’s activity from Sale, Service and Spare Part and it make a tied, reliability relationship between us and customer, helpful for customer business.

The Hino CS Contest is not only a huge event with Hino staffs, Hino authorized Dealers but it is also an event that Global Hino always cares and expects yearly. Attending at this Contest, there wewe VIP guess that represdeent for Hino authorized Dealer and VIP guess represent for Hino Motors Japan and Sumitomo Coporation that came from Japan to excite, give courage, wish contestants a fruitful contest.

Opening speech from Hino Motors Vietnam representatives 

Opening speech from Hino Motors Japan representatives

As last years, All the contestants will have skill competition at 3 ferment contents: Sales skill, Service skill and Spare part skill. At each content, contestants will do Theory paper test and practice test. If in Theory paper test tests, it requires calm, focus, knowledge about product and customer, so job-skill, quick catoptric will be helpful in practise tests with many supposed circumstances. Beside these, the contestants must be enthusiasm and have an good attitude of interest and care about customer business as well.

At Sale skill of Practice Test part, the contestants will face with meticulous customers who have demand in truck, after find out their requirement, based on their points, advise them the most suitable product with customer’s business.

Sales skill- Theory paper test and practical test

The Practice Test of Spare part skill is a challenge for personal skill, the contestants must identify many kind of spare part in English after that looking up in computer and find out correct spare part code in determined time.

Spare parts- Theory paper test and practical test

The Service skill competition – The Practice Test is appraised a very hard part with 4 test contents, last for 2 hours:

–       Diagnostic trouble by Hino DX software

–       Overhaul for wheel brake cylinder

–       Measure clearance of piston and cylinder

–       Inspection vehicle at 5.000 Km period & adjust free play of pedal clutch

Service skill-Theory paper test Practical test

Passing ferment 2 days, contemplating endeavour via each test of contestants, we can see how they have passion and proud of work they are doing. Their job is not only simple that selling product or making service, they are working with thinking “what we can do for customer”. The best winner’s result is not the award of competition, it is confidence from customer when using Hino truck, when each Hino staff become customer’s “Reliable Partner”.

Ending speech from Hino Motors Japan representatives& Sumitomo Corporation representative

Contestants receive awards

The fifth Hino CS contest was organized successfully and Truong Long got the 1st prize of total 3S award. This event marks an obvious advance of Hino truck brand in the customer total support route via developing 3S total support activity to get customer absolute confidence.

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