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On 26th November 2015, North Star Motors and Specialized Equipment Company (North Star) – one of the first Hino authorized dealers co-ordinate with Hino Motors Viet Nam Company held a Hino Night Party at Conference Center of Long Bien Golf, Hanoi to impress sincere thanks to over 300 customers in Northern areas who have always believed and used Hino vehicles during many years.

Giving opening speeches at the party, Mr. Masaaki Mochizuki – General Director of Hino Motors Vietnam had wholehearted share about the establishment and development process of North Star dealer and express deep gratitude to every customers. In addition, Mr. Le Quoc Huy – General Director of North Star also sent big thanks to all loyal customers and related partners and wish that North Star will always be a reliable partner in all business activities of customers in the Northern areas. He also committed to provide the best quality and durability products and services to give a helping hand in the success of customers.

Mr. Masaaki Mochizuki – General Director of Hino Motors Viet Nam gave an opening speech

Mr Le Quoc Huy – General Director of North Star Dealer gave an opening speech

Representatives from Hino Motors Vietnam, Hino Sales Vietnam and North Star Dealer cheer for the success and look forward to get further achievements in 2016

Mr. Yuchi Matsubara – Executive Division Coordinator of Hino Motors Viet Nam gave the first prize TV Sony LED 40” for customers

Mr Masaaki Mochizuki – General Director of Hino Motors Viet Nam gave the special prize – A trip to Japan for 6 days for the most lucky customer.

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